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Smartload - frequently asked questions ⬇️

How to start using the application?

To use the Smartload application, you must register and verify your account. Then, after successful registration, you can log in and use the program. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the materials in the Help tab.


Does the app require download and installation?

No, our app runs in your web browser, so there is no need to download or install any additional software. We recommend using the Google Chrome browser.


How do I reset my account password?

When trying to log in, click "Forgot Password". Enter your e-mail address, then a link to change your password will be automatically sent to your e-mail address.


Can I also use the application on my phone?

No, at the moment the application works properly on stationary devices, i.e. a computer or mobile devices, i.e. a laptop. However, we plan to introduce a mobile version of the Smartload application in the future as well.


What to do if you encounter technical problems?

If you encounter problems with the operation of the application, please contact our customer service department at smartload@evomedia.pl, use the contact form on the website or call +48 665 208 040 (Mon-Fri 8-15). In the message, describe the problem in detail, attach a screenshot with a visible error and / or project, and we will try to help.


What is the difference between the free version (TRIAL) and the paid version (PREMIUM)?

For new users, we offer a free version that has all the functionalities of the paid version. However, after the 14-day trial period, payment must be made to continue using the app. Detailed information about the available packages can be found in the Pricing tab.


Is the free version binding? What happens after the trial period ends?

No, the free version is non-binding. This means that if you cancel the application after the trial period, you will not incur any costs. After this time, you can log in to your account, but you can no longer access the program. If you still want to use the application, choose and pay for one of the available packages.


How to pay, what are the possible options?

Payment can be made in several ways. After logging in, on the user's profile, you can go to the "Active packages" tab, then click "Upgrade Account". After redirection, choose one of several available packages. Then select the payment document, invoice or receipt and complete the data. By clicking next, you will find the "Proceed to payment" or "Download proforma" options. After choosing, proceed to payment, we can pay for the application by entering debit or credit card details (auto-renewable subscription) or thanks to PayU (one-time payment). If you select a pro-forma invoice, the application will be active after the payment is posted.


How to download a proforma invoice?

You can download a proforma invoice when choosing a package. Just after filling in the data, click "download proforma".


Where can I find an invoice or receipt?

We send a document confirming the payment (invoice or receipt) to the user's e-mail address. However, invoices and proforma forms can also be found in the Invoices tab, available after logging into your account.


How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel the subscription, remove the card using the "Remove" button in the "Payments" tab.


Will the subscription renew automatically?

After the selected package ends, we do not charge any fees and we do not automatically extend the contract. The user must select the package again and make a one-time payment. The exception is the choice of an auto-renewing subscription, where the user enters his payment card details and selects one of several packages.


Can I import data into the application?

Yes, you can import your own loads into the application using a CSV, XLSX or XLS file. There is also an option to download a ready-made example to download and complete.


What features does the application have?

Smartload has many features. In addition to the optimal arrangement of loads in the selected cargo space, the application enables, among others: options for stacking, rotating and protruding loads, modifying the size of loads and the loading space (vehicle, container, pallet), checking the axle load and measuring how much free space is left. During loading, there is a choice of commands, i.e. sort by load order. Smartload gives you the ability to create many projects on several loading spaces and assign them to specific directories. In addition, loads can be marked, grouped and named. It is possible to change the units of measurement. The loading can be saved as a template and used at any time. In the project, it is possible to add your own company logo, comment and loading remark. The finished project can be downloaded or shared. Of course, these are not all the features, to learn more, please contact us or check the user manual. 


Is the Smartload app updated?

Yes, we are constantly working on the application. We improve and update the program, we add new functionalities also thanks to the suggestions of our users.


Do I need to register to use the application?

Yes, you must register to use the application. However, opening a shared project (in the form of a link) is also possible for people who are not logged in.


What languages are available in the program?

The program is available in Polish, English, German and Spanish.


Is there an educational version of Smartload?

Yes. The educational version of the application is intended for schools and universities. This is the same version of the app that the rest of the users are using. However, educational institutions can count on a significant discount compared to enterprises. In case of interest, the prices of the packages are individually determined depending on the demand.


Can several people use one account?

No, only one test account can be created within one organization (companies, associations, partnerships, etc.). Subsequent accounts within a given organization can only be paid accounts. Only one person can use one account.


How to add an account for another person within one organization (company, association, partnership, etc.)?

In order for more than one person to use the Smartload application within one organization, you must purchase a package for the selected number of accounts (after logging in, the "Active packages" tab, then "Upgrade account").After making the payment and receiving the payment, log in and add additional accounts ("Desktop" tab). After entering and saving the data, an automatic message will be sent to the e-mail address of the additional account with an instruction to set a password for logging in for the next user. The account from which the payment was made becomes the administrator (master) account. The administrator can add or remove additional accounts. Attention! Payments for packages must be made at the same time (by extending or activating the package for the main account). If you want to purchase another account during the duration of the package for the main account, please contact us.


Why is the application not working?

There are several possible reasons for problems with the functioning of the application. Problem with Internet access, too much data entered at one time, or system overload. We recommend using the Google Chrome browser. If the application is not responding, the easiest way will be to refresh the page. If the problem persists, we recommend deleting your browsing history and cookies or opening the application in incognito mode. In case of further problems, please contact us.


How can I report a feature suggestion or issue?

We are open to user feedback! In the Contact tab on our website you will find a form where you can share your suggestions or problems related to functionality. We are happy to listen and try to answer as soon as possible.


We hope these answers helped you clear up any doubts you might have. If you have more questions, feel free to contact us!