Electronic version of the e-CMR consignment note

The international bill of lading (CMR) is one of the most important documents in transport, without which the transport of goods would not be possible. However, due to its paper version, many mistakes occur, which leads to difficulties when executing the order. The solution to this problem is the electronic version of the e-CMR consignment note.
In accordance with the guidelines of the Parliament and the European Council, e-CMR will come into force throughout the European Union from August 21, 2024. This regulation aims, among others, to: increasing digitalization, improving the efficiency and safety of transport and logistics. In Poland, e-CMR has been operating for several years, but at the moment only few companies use this innovation.
Problems with traditional CMR
When completing traditional documents, it is easy to make a mistake by entering, for example, an incorrect or incomplete delivery address for the goods. Unfortunately, errors made in the CMR document cannot be corrected, which leads to many difficulties. The most common threats of an incorrectly issued consignment note are: delays in the transport of goods, delivery to the wrong address, fines related to the contract or imposed during a road inspection, difficulties in filing a possible complaint and legal disputes between the parties. If an error is made, the document must be reissued. Filling out consignment notes manually can be cumbersome. Additionally, an incorrect delivery address will likely result in a delay in the delivery of goods, which will likely negatively impact the entire supply chain. Depending on the contract, this situation generates additional costs for shipments not being delivered on time. Possible legal disputes between the customer and the carrier can be very expensive and time-consuming, but this is often the only way out of the conflict situation. If the CMR is lost, serious consequences must be taken into account, because it is also a confirmation of the conclusion of the transport contract. Dishonest contractors can use such a situation to their advantage and do not pay for the service provided. Additionally, a lost document results in loss of insurance coverage in the event of vehicle damage or a road accident. To avoid these problems, complete the CMR carefully and accurately and carefully store the document in a safe place. In case of problems, it is worth seeking advice from an expert or legal advisor to learn how to proceed in a specific case.
e-CMR solution - what are the advantages?
The e-CMR electronic consignment note is a digital version of a traditional document. It contains all information related to road transport of goods. In the European Union, e-CMR is intended to replace a paper document because it contains all the necessary information, i.e. details of the sender, recipient, description of the transported goods, delivery conditions, etc. This enables the electronic exchange of documents between the parties. Digital documents can help reduce the above-mentioned problems thanks to electronic filling and storage in the form of e-CMR. Electronic waybills are not susceptible to damage, always remain legible, cannot be lost and are difficult to forge. They are therefore a safe alternative to the traditional version, and from this year also a new standard for international waybills. There are many advantages of e-CMR, primarily they are effective thanks to the quick exchange of transport information, without the need to physically send documents. This allows you to monitor the location of the transported goods and the driver's progress along the route in real time. Electronic waybills also guarantee data security thanks to the proper storage of documents that are always at hand. This solution significantly facilitates the international exchange of information, which has a positive impact on the quality of cooperation. The e-CMR document also saves costs because it does not require printing. The electronic version of the consignment note is therefore environmentally friendly. This year we can expect many changes related to their full-scale introduction to the European Union.
Digitization is an integral part of our everyday life. Traditional ways of performing certain activities can still be effective, but it is worth checking modern solutions. One of them is the Smartload application for professional loading planning. Instead of using the paper-and-pencil method when arranging goods on a trailer, container or pallet, try an online 3D planner!