At the beginning of the year, we worked on new products. Take a look at the improvements introduced in January:
1. Redo last action - last month we introduced the undo function, thanks to which we can return to the previous settings. Now, when you undo and decide that you want to go back to the settings before the undo, you can do it using the forward function .
2. Editing the cargo space - in January we introduced the possibility of modifying the size of the cargo space. If you choose a space that is too small or too large, you can adjust it according to your needs .
3. Message about overloaded space - we have added a new message thanks to which the user knows immediately after overloading the selected cargo space that he should choose, for example, a larger vehicle. In addition, it is known by what percentage it was overloaded.
4. Default load names - now you can add your own loads even faster, if you don't need to give specific load names, now the names are default. Just enter the dimensions .
5. Option to measure how much free space is left - a very useful function thanks to which the user can measure the free space left in the selected place.
In addition, we have introduced many smaller improvements, such as the ability to edit the project name or the ability to conveniently scroll through a long list of loads.